Monday, May 30, 2005

Monday is dead once more.

But like the phoenix from the ashes, she will rise again to try and destroy me. I will triumph over her until the day I die!!!! I despise Monday's with a purple passion, I am notorious for despising them, and just as notorious for loving Friday's. Friday means your whole weekend is open, to do what you want. Like the open road and a full tank of gas! Roll on Friday! Come on fast!

I hope all had a lovely Memorial Day. Both my grandfathers and my own father were in different wars at different times, so pride in your country and respect for those that have served was instilled in me at an early age. It isn't about grilling, or the start of summer. Its about those that lived and died, fought and cried, the dead, the survivors, the fighters for our freedom. Freedom to bitch and whine and moan and groan as much as we darn well please!

But today, give it a rest, if you see an older gentleman, chances are he was in a war. Ask him, and if so, shake his hand, pat him on the back tell him, THANK YOU! If nothing else, you will have made someone's day. And if you have served in a war, *salutes* I am proud of you! Love and kisses!

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