Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Day of the Glamazon

is for Glamazon!!

What is a glamazon you ask? As well you should. You won't find this word in the dictionary as it is unique like the woman who holds this title.

She has many names. Some would call them aliases, however, that is a different story involving car chases, machine guns, kewl boots and fast cars. Nothing you'd wish to hear about right?

No, today we talk about the Glamazon the Fashion Diva, Princess of Prada, Daughter of Divinity and all in all Goddess of Style. Yes, it is Karen's birthday. To celebrate, go and put on your favorite shoes, your most luxurious sweater or, like me, eat some rich ass chocy while you type.

I love this woman, simply because she is so unlike me. She likes to dress in clothes without elastic; shoes that you may have to buckle or zip up to the thigh; put lotion on her skin without having a man put you in a pit first; and many other things either I don't have time for, or in my own silly way don't think is neccessary for my happiness. I'm sure my wrinkles will thank me for the last one soon. LOL

What I am saying is, she brings class into any room, cyber or otherwise just by walking in the door. She isn't materialistic, (erm.. a little) or petty (ermm a bit, but way funny with it) or ever snooty (well, not in the ways that matter *grins*) What she is, and has become is simply, a friend. One who will bitch and moan and groan with you, and defend you to the end. She's sly, cunning, spiteful, wicked and mean. But, in the best way possible. Loyal to a fault, smart, funny, sweet, (she tries to hide it but I see it) and basically, insane. However, the Bovinas Locas wouldn't be the same without the Gucci Grazer in the herd.

Happy Birthday Glamazon! I hope today is wonderful for you. May you eat five slices of chocolate cake and get on the scale to find you've lost ten pounds!!! *holds up glass to her* Happy Birthday and many many more..

Love you Ms. Q!!!!!!



Karen said...

You kick ass and I love you! No, that isn't my two Belvedere and tonics talking, I really do love you (don't worry Meme, she is still yours!) I am so unbelievably lucky to have found amazing female friends like you - someday we will meet and it will be hilarious, I am sure. You rock, evil author lady! thanks for everything!

Karen, aka Glamazon

Mary Stella said...

Glamazon. I LOVE that!
Happy birthday, Karen.